A question that is asked very often by B2B marketers, especially because they have so many others things on their to-do-lists. Often the creation of new content doesn’t get the highest priority. And many times it’s simply also the lack of inspiration and ideas, even though there are many ways to create interesting, funny or useful content for your B2B buyer. Especially in Business-to-Business a content marketing strategy offers a great ROI. One way of getting started is by looking at how others do it. Let me give you one example:
Recently we created a lot of content by attending a master class that one of our clients was sponsoring. Not only did we video interview the speakers individually, we also wrote a series of short articles and we collected input to write an eBook later on. Sometimes it’s simply a matter of just doing it!
I found a lovely drawing on the website of Marketingprofs that might help you to get started.